News Flash! - mp4

News Flash report by: Kidman2K


As Enigma once said, "this is the end of the innocence." Everyone I know in and out of school uses Napster, but for the reason that it is easy to use. I can name more than 20 sites that I can use to get mp3s. A search engine called is a brilliant way of getting mp3s and yet no one bothers them. Hold on to your golden shoes entertainment industry cus there's a new shooter in town. Yup, its mp4, or mpeg4. Not only can you make compressed music sound like cd, but you can make movies look like dvd with mpeg4, and it fits on to a cd. A little napster wanna be called Gnutella can not only get mp3s but any files you can imagine, especially mpeg4 movies. All you need is broadband and away you go. Movies galore. Companies worry about music? Movie bootlegging from DVD is even more serious. These companies have put so much effort in putting down mp3 that the forgot what was around the corner. Dont believe me, believe that reviewed such a case. The entertainment industry is even in more trouble now that mpeg4 is taking effect. The truth is, you cant encript data cus someone will eventually crack it. Music became data when the cd was made, and the same with dvd. Is the entertainment industry doomed? In my opinion, they knew what they got themselves into and are now looking for scapegoats. The world is now a digital landscape.*





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